Month: September 2015

Making a Coin Flip in Flash

To make a coin flip in flash is quite simple, first of all you need something to click on, in this case i used a pre-set button. I used this by doing: Window > Components (CTRL+F7) > Button

flip button

I then right clicked on the first keyframe at the bottom and clicked ‘Actions’. This is where you write your code. In this case, this is the code i used.


Line 1 of this code is adding a function. The function is called ‘flipACoin’. The rest of this line is instructing that the function is waiting for a mouse click.  Next up is line 3. This line is using this function and putting it to use, thats it.

All of the next lines are just using if statements to result in an outcome. If you get a number less than 0.5 then you get heads, more than 0.5 you get tails.


Creating a wall in 3D Studio Max

To create a wall segment we first need a shape. Obviously this would be a box, which will be made into a tall, skinny rectangle to represent a wall. After this i added in some measurements to make the wall accurately sized.  When i had added all of the measurements in i had to create a skirting board. This was done by connecting all 4 edges, thus making a line in-between them. I moved this down to the bottom of the wall and performed an extrusion to make the skirting board.


On Friday 28th September we woke up early to go on a trip to EGX 2015. This is a gaming convention in Birmingham, also known by eurogamer. I played plenty of games including Battlefront, Destiny: The Taken King, Rocket League,I am Bread and plenty more. It was alot of fun especially as i won a Destiny tournament and won some exclusive prizes. Overall it was a good day. Here are some photos of the convention that i took:

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Modelling the Mac Mouse (MMM)

At home i decided to start the iMac mouse, this is because measuring the individual buttons and amount of them on the keyboard is taking too long, so i can start a new project at home. For the base of the mouse i used the cylinder object. I compressed it down, and used ‘extrude’ on both sides to give it a 3D effect. Then i needed the scrollwheel, or on iMacs they call it, the scrollball.

imac mouse

I made the ball very small to fit in with the scale of the mouse. Now that i have finished the mouse and monitor, i just need to finish the keyboard then all is complete. After they are all finished i need to make them to scale of each other. Then i can start to work on more models for our project.

Setting Targets

We had to set targets using ProPortal 3. This is where it keeps your grades, attendance and punctuality stored in one place. As students we use it to keep track of objectives and set targets. My targets for today were:

  • Update Blog ✓
  • Finish iMac Model
  • Sketch
  • Allocate Models ✓

Our Project

Yesterday as a class we came together and decided upon an environment to design and 3D Model. We concluded that our building would probably be the best bet. This is because we have all the resources we will need in close range. Incase we ever need anything, we can go and get it straight away. We decided to add a twist, so it wouldnt be boring.

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Our town was hit by a terrorist dirty bomb (a bomb that contains radioactive material). As a result of this bomb being detonated, the area surrounding the bridges and a wide area of Sunderland had to be evacuated. Thus, the building becoming redundant and slowly decaying away.