Day: September 28, 2015

Creating a wall in 3D Studio Max

To create a wall segment we first need a shape. Obviously this would be a box, which will be made into a tall, skinny rectangle to represent a wall. After this i added in some measurements to make the wall accurately sized.  When i had added all of the measurements in i had to create a skirting board. This was done by connecting all 4 edges, thus making a line in-between them. I moved this down to the bottom of the wall and performed an extrusion to make the skirting board.


On Friday 28th September we woke up early to go on a trip to EGX 2015. This is a gaming convention in Birmingham, also known by eurogamer. I played plenty of games including Battlefront, Destiny: The Taken King, Rocket League,I am Bread and plenty more. It was alot of fun especially as i won a Destiny tournament and won some exclusive prizes. Overall it was a good day. Here are some photos of the convention that i took:

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