
Sketchfab is a website used to display and share 3D content online with the world. The company behind Sketchfab was launched in France. It is today based in Paris and NYC. They provide a way to uniquely view 3D models and content on their website based on the WebGL technology that allows the 3D models to be displayed on almost any device, as well as virtual reality headsets.


The main product/service that Sketchfab offer is a 3D model viewer. It is used on the website and can be embedded into many different websites such as Facebook. Additionally, it functions as a community portal, where members of Sketchfab can browse, rate , download and give feedback on models that people have published.

Here is a screenshot of the website:


This is the most popular section. Where the models with the most favorites and up-votes are displayed.

Why am I using Sketchfab?

Sketchfab is where I am uploading all of the assets I have modeled for the game Nomad which I have previously mentioned. If you would like to view my previous models, and more. Visit my page on Sketchfab. Here.

You can upload files in almost any kind of 3D format. You can upload directly to the website or by using one of their exporters. Once your models are uploaded to the site, they can be shared and embedded onto different websites such as Facebook, WordPress, Behance, Tumblr and deviantART.


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