VFX Pipeline – How We Would Use it

While creating our visual effects sequence, we had to keep in mind the visual effects pipeline. This is an order of actions in which you create your sequence. Find out about the types of stages here, in my previous post. In this post I will be discussing how we would use it in our visual effects shot, about the rocket launcher.


To create the rocket launcher in our sequence we would each have to model our own. This would make all of our shots look unique and personalized. Here is the rocket launcher I have designed:GIF

Pre-Vis (Previsualization)

This is a very good and essential part of visual effects, and photography. It allows us to witness what our scene will look like before we start filming. In our case, we made a very simple pre-vis shot to briefly animate what our very simple sequence could turn out to be. If you would like to see an example of a pre-vis. Watch this short video on The Lord of the Rings.


High Dynamic Range Photos

These are used to give an understanding of the environment you would be filming in. In our case it was a corridor. As of now, we have not completed this step, this is because we had to focus on filming and modelling our assets.

Reference Photos

This is an image that you use to base your own creations on. The only reference photos we could use for our models were for production of the rocket launcher, which is practically impossible, as we are students and do not have access to rocket launchers. But we did use them for our pre-vis. If we had taken our own reference photos, and not used ones from the internet, then it would’ve given us greater insight on the detail and dimensions of the rocket launcher. It would make it look more realistic when it came to scaling and tracking the object into the actor’s hands.


Light detection and ranging measures distance by using lights and lasers. This requires very expensive technology, which unfortunately none of us can obtain. This is quite unfortunate because it looks very good in photo as well as the fact it can help out quite alot when creating an environment. With this technology you can base your rendered geometry on a real environment. It gives you accurate measurements on the buildings, life and nature of the scene. It would be great to use this in our sequence.


Texturing is something we have to do fairly frequently in visual arts. Most, if not every model has to be textured if it wants to have the full effect / usage in a visual effects sequence or game. When we finish our rocket launcher models, we would apply a texture to make it look realistic. As none of us have finished our rocket launcher models yet. The texture would look something like this:



A character rig is a skeleton bound to a 3D mesh. This is usually used in animation of 3D models and objects. We would use this when it comes to animating our rocket into the rocket launcher, it will look very good when it is complete.

Tracking and Matchmoving

When it comes to putting our scene together in our final composition. We will have to use tracking and matchmoving to accurately scale our rocket launcher into the hands of our actor. Matchmoving will give us the correct scale , orientation and motion relative to the objects in the shot. It will turn out better than doing it manually, but will need some editing here and there to make it look great.

Film Scans

This specific piece of equipment was used back when film started and the use of film reels was still popular.  The digital cameras that we use, utilize their equipment and capture light rays and turn them into signals. Thus, eliminating the use of film. To many of the photography community, film cameras contain a higher resolution image when enlarged. This is one reason we might have used film cameras over digital. Requiring the use of film scanners.



Tests are used to demonstrate a particular look an effect may have during production. We will use this during creation of our film. This is so we can see if the effects we want to use actually work, and if not we can fix them. These are essential in film making. Without them you may be making mistakes and not even know them until the end.



This is the illusion of motion and change by rapid display of visual images. We are using animation to create the effect of movement on our rocket, and launcher. This is so it gives the desired effect of movement within the scene.



This is an animation technique which we may be using. We have to trace over footage, frame by frame, to give us extra detail in our scene.


This is where we have to alter and enhance the colour of our sequence. We will use this in our scene to make it look more professional.



This is one of the final steps, if not the last. It is where all the CG, elements and plates are all compiled together into one seamless finished image. This is a necessary step in film production so we will be using it in our project. It makes the film look more professional, smooth  and solid.

Effects Animation

We cannot use this in our project. This is because we will need to pick up an expensive camera, and film fire. Which is not a good idea. If we were to use it in production it would create a great  effect and atmosphere in our scene as it would look more realistic. In combination with grading it would look great.

Lighting and Rendering

Once animation is finished. It can be rendered along with the addition of HDR lighting maps.  This would come in handy as it would add more of a realistic effect to the rocket launcher instead of looking like a bold coloured model.

Plate Preperation

A team of people will come together and remove any dust, scratches or imperfections. This will be good to do in further production as without this taking place. The whole project could look dated, out of place, or unprofessional.

Element Shoots

We do not need any natural phenomena like smoke or dust in our sequence. But if we were to use it, it would be the propulsion of the rocket on launch. This for example:


Look Development

Shaders and lights will be used in our final composition to make the models look asif they are really in the scene, and not just applied later. They are added to look realistic compared to the shaders filmed in the vanilla clips.

Research and Development

This is a major part of any movie or film sequence. We need to know what we are doing before we start filming. We researched different types of rocket launchers, how you hold them etc. This is so our actor could position it perfectly during filming.



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