Day: March 25, 2016

Visual Effects – Job Roles

Like any other industry or business, the visual effects industry has a plethora of job roles that require certain skills and qualifications to progress in. In this post I will be explaining and describing some of the most important roles in the industry.


Concept Artist

Concept Artists work on almost any type of film outside of our time (these films are usually high budget). Be it sci-fi, fantasy or historical. These films will also be prominent in visual effects to create design spectacles, creatures or other elements that are implemented. They typically start work in the pre-production stages of development, up to six months before filming has even started.  Concept Artists typically work on a freelance basis. This is because their role is highly specialised and there is a limited demand for this work. Here is some concept art:

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Compositors are primarily responsible for making and constructing the final version of an image by combining and compressing layers of previously-created material.They receive this material from various different sources on the production team, aswell as rendered computer animation, special effects,graphics,2d animation, live action and background plates.   They work at the very end of the production line. Compositors need a thorough understanding of CGI, and animation. This is combined with relevant artistic skills.

Lighting Technical Director / Lighter

This person makes sure there is consistency in lighting, colour balance and mood between different shots and scenes. When necessary, they make ensure the CGI looks photorealistic to match the live action plates. The lighters add the lighting that creates atmosphere, immersion , realism and tone to the scene.  This is to clarify the location, weather and time of day. On smaller projects, lightning is a fundamental skill required by generalists who cover more than one role. On the other hand, there is more likely to be a team of dedicated lighters on a high budged film.


An example of excellent lighting

Layout Artist (Computer Animation)

Alot of the time, layout artists break down 2D storyboards into 3D shots. They use models and production designs as references to build locations, props and positions of characters. As well as camera angles to plot camera moves.They ensure that everything is going to be animated is set up properly, including not only characters but any props or parts of the background that need to move, for example a door that opens. Layout Artists will generally work closely with the director and storyboard artists but may also work with other departments.

Marketing Executive

As a marketing executive you need to promote your employer’s products, ideas and company. You need excellent organisational skills to plan product launch parties, staff days, market research and public events. Salaries vary between £18,000 and £22,000 a year. With experience this can rise between £25,000 and £40,000 a year.


Marketing Manager

When you are a marketing manager it would be your job to plan the promotion of your employer’s products, services and brand.  You will need crucial marketing qualifications such as The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Professional Diploma in Marketing and  Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing (IDM) Diploma in Direct and Interactive Marketing. 

Digitial Preparation Artist

These people are responsible for rig removal tasks, painting markers, and rigging before the shot can move along the visual effects pipeline. This job requires high level quality control and a keen eye for repair work. This job is likely reviewed by a VFX Supervisor, often one frame at a time. Most visual effects artists are likely to have done either a undergraduate or postgraduate course, or undergone training with a private training provider.

Match Move Artist

Match Move Artists translate and imitate the camera movements in live action shots and match these movements in 3D space. They position points on live action shots which track and work out the co-ordinates in the relevant 3D software/program.  To be a matchmove artist, it is likely you will need a degree in a 3D disciple. Such as computer graphics or computer animation.


Matte Painter

A matte painter creates virtual backgrounds used to replace or enhance live action photographed plates. The artist works with stills taken from photography, rendered CG elements and digital paint to create environments that are seamlessly integrated into the film by composting artists.

Producer (VFX)

The role of the Producer is becoming more and more necessary to a working studio. This being said, a good producer effectively manages the project making sure everyone is working to a deadline and correctly.  Specific details vary from studio-to-studio. As this is a senior position, it is heavily recommended you have a degree in computer animation, or something similiar.


Roto Artist

Roto Artists trace the areas of live action frames where computer graphics will overlap or interact with live images. This creates clear areas (mattes) within the frame to allow all elements of the scene to be layered convincingly. To become this role, it will definately help you to have a degree in any art-related subject. This being animation,design,illustration,painting.


A runner in visual effects will find that their job mainly relies on making sure the site in which artists are working on remains operational and that the atmosphere remains positive. This could be acting as a messenger, or simply making tea and coffee. While some runners have a degree in visual effects, its not a requirement to become one.

Technical Director

This is a somewhat broad term for a range of different disciplines within the visual effects industry. Usually, they are in charge of running simulations and programs in order to create different desired effects. Many technical directors hold degrees in computer art and design, or computer sciences.


VFX Supervisor

Working in tandem with the director or producer of the project, the supervisor will decide on the VFX needed for every shot. For larger scale productions, sometimes prototype effects are required so they can be fully examined before production.  A qualification is needed that proves your ability in visual effects will be key when looking at these types of positions and roles.