Day: April 11, 2016

Dream Job – Games Industry

My dream job in the games industry, would be a 3D artist. This is somebody who creates visual elements of a game in 3D space in programs such as Maya, and 3DS Max. They create objects such as characters, scenery,objects, vehicles, surface textures, clothing and more.You also help create concept art and storyboards which help communicate the proposed visual elements during pre-production. I would personally like to be in this role because I feel like modelling is one of  best things that I can do during this course.

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In terms of which company I would be employed by, it would either be DICE or Bethesda. This is because they have created some of my favourite games / genres. DICE creating the famous Battlefield franchise, as well as Battlefront, and Bethesda creating the great Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises.  Here are some models from Bethesda’s Fallout.

What are the responsibilities of a 3D Artist?

It is the artist’s job to model and texture characters and objects to achieve the desired result. A 3D modeller will build the characters, objects  and environments of the game. This includes life forms, scenery, vegetation, furniture, and vehicles, etc. They need to balance visual richness and detail with the limitations of the engine’s technology.

3D Artists can start as apprenticeships or full time junior courses. You must be up to date with the latest techniques and tools for generating photo-realistic but optimized art in an efficient manner. You must also have a strong knowledge of Zbrush and/or Mudbox, 3DsMax and/or Maya, Unity and/or Unreal Engine.

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