Regulatory, Legal & Ethical Issues in Games, Animation and Visual Effects

Regulatory, Legal & Ethical Issues in Gaming


Ever since the beginning of video games, there has had to be restrictions on who can play what. These are now known as age restrictions. In the majority, these are well used and fair. However, there are problems. There are different policies all around the world depending on which country you live in, and difference policies for all states in the USA (The ESA).

The ESA are an association dedicated to serving the business and public affairs needs of companies that puiblish computer and video games for video game consoles, handheld devices, personal computer and the Internet.” – The ESA Website


However in the UK, we dont have this. Our computer games ar erated by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification).

Developers of games are definitely affected by legal issues. Lawsuits could set-back, or even bankrupt studios for as small as saying one wrong word.


The main areas that  ethical debates revolve around are:

  • Violence (Graphic, physical, sexual, non-physical)
  • Rating (how regulation is applied?)
  • Education(do games educate? Should they be relied upon?)
  • Stereotyping(Age,race,gender,disability,class)
  • Addiction(how do gamers become addicted? What does the industry do to help this?)

It becomes the responsibility of both the industry and the consumer to be aware of the issues in gaming and act accordingly.


Legal & Ethical Issues in Animation


  • Copyright and Ownership

Globally, copyright laws deal with a very basic yet important issue – who owns the idea, characters, shapes,objects,graphics.

  • Trademarks and Branding

Trademarks and branding are synonymous terms, as both refer to giving your business a unique name and ethos that stands you apart from your competitors in hte industry that your business belongs to.

  • Defamation and Causing Disrepute

When the reputation of an individual or an organisation is damaged – so much so that livelihoods are lost – then defamation has occurred.


  • Intellectual property
  • Nondisclosure
  • Image content
  • Business ethics
  • Trust
  • Privacy
  • Truth
  • Data Protection

Privacy is a big thing in animation. For the members of staff involved in the film, and the high ranking businesses. Somebody has the role of keeping their personal lives safe and not to broadcast any of this information.


A business-standard animation

Regulatory Issues in Visual Effects


  • Unpaid overtime
  • Miscalssification of employees
  • Illegal usage of billing purposes
  • Non-existent transferable healthcare benefits and savings plans

Unionized employees operate under a contract that provides benefits and sets rules and regulations to address these issues.

Other Issues in the Industry

Cyber Security

This is the protection of information systems from theft or damage to the hardware, software, and the information contained on the device.  As well as from disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.





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