Month: December 2016

Creating Pre-Vis (Synoptic Project)

To help with my synoptic project pitch, I decided to create a VFX Pre-Vis to give a brief demonstration of how I think my project would look. This was done in Maya/Mudbox for the models/animating software, and composed in After Effects. Here are some screenshots/gifs of the making of this pre-vis:


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Finished Product

8 Week Modelling Progress (Week 1)

As of last week, we started an 8 week modelling challenge to create a high to low poly model to go in our portfolio. As well as being part of this year’s modelling lectures.


Using box modelling / reference images, I have created the side panel the helmet which will go on both sides. After I have polished this model off, I will have to add some curvature to the panel to make it fit around a helmet. Take a look here:

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What Next?

Next I will have to add some curvature to the model to make it blend in to a space helmet, when I create that. I think I will model it inwards using the same technique to save time, and increase accuracy.





Expressions within After Effects

Today we started learning expressions within after effects, also known as the “code” inside of the program.

Starting Off

To start off, we imported a file into After Effects to get our first 2 layers. We first drag the background layer into the timeline, and add a gradient overlay. Then we change the scale to 150% to give it a better effect, and change the blending mode and style.


Getting into the Code

To access the code, ALT+LMB on the animate button next to the scale layer option. And some code will appear that says “layerStyle.gradientOverlay.scale”.  If you change this text to “wiggle(8,20). It will make the gradient wiggle. It is a simple animating effect that takes almost no time.



8 Week Modelling Project

What is it?

Today marked the start of an 8 week long project to create a high to low poly model using normal maps. It was to be part of our portfolio, and part of our modelling lectures.

My Idea

It could be anything you wanted, but the essential part was that you had to make a low poly version using normal maps, and a high poly version with no normal maps. My idea was an astronaut helmet, with some modifications to it. At first, I thought about creating an entire suit, but I thought that was too much. I have decided to create the helmet/shoulders part.


Here are some examples of something similar than what I would create:

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End Goal

My end goal on this project is to render the model out, and use reflection maps to add a similar effect to this image:



Framestore: Lunch Crunch

What is the “Lunch Crunch”?

The “Lunch Crunch”is an activity in which Framestore employees partake on a Friday lunchtime. It is 2 hours of modelling. Framestore have decided to set us our own Lunch Crunch challenge.

“They have suggested that students do this task on the 24th of November as it is ‘Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day’ and that could be an interesting theme for the students to interpret. We would give the students 2 hours and the only rule is that they have to start from a sphere, no pre-made models allowed.” – Brief

The Idea

Our lecturer, Matt, said we could base our model off one of our hobbies/game/film, or something we like. As we had to start off with a sphere, I wanted to create something similar to an object in a game I play.

This is a “Servitor“. It is an enemy in the game Destiny.


As it is a sphere, I thought it would be a good idea to start off creating this, and then add my own twist towards the end. I have merged two of the races in destiny, the servitor, and the corrupted race, The Hive.

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I took the spikes, and glowing green aesthetic of the Hive and added it to the Servitor.

Finished Product with Paint

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